Sketchy micro notes
Sketchy micro notes

sketchy micro notes

To make the best choice for you, try watching sample videos of each and see what you like more. Personally, the organization of sketchy works best for me. My issue with Picmonic was that it was all over the place for me. I mentioned it earlier how I watched comparable Picmonic videos. When I got back to the states, I told my classmate about Sketchy and she said some of the older students at our school recommended it. Picmonic is another video tool that uses images to put things into memory. I met medical students from other schools and one of them told me about Sketchy Medical and Picmonic. I first got introduced to Sketchy Medical when I was in Haiti during the summer before my second year.


Now Sketchy has rebranded into Sketchy Medical, which includes Sketchy Micro all the micro videos plus the new Sketchy Pharm all of the pharmacology videos. So when I first heard of Sketchy, it was called Sketchy Micro because at the time they only had videos related to microbiology. Or if you are active in the online med IG community, you probably saw a few med students screenshotting their Sketchy scenes in one of their studyspo pictures. You may have heard of Sketchy Medical from your med school friends. How did you decide what jobs were essential? Are you satisfied with the way things are going in med ed?Seriously, this was the best study tool ever, and I rarely missed pharm or micro questions because of it. After listening to their story, you might not want to throw away your medical school notes just yet… Show Notes : So what is Sketchy Medical, the company, all about? Skip to content Episode 6 - Sketchy Medical. You just have to find the solution for a problem in your own life. In other words, they teach you by entertaining you.Īfter listening to their story, you might not want to throw away your medical school notes just yet…. Their service uses comprehensive videos in microbiology, pharmacology, and pathology to guide viewers through illustrations using creative stories to enhance retention by associating medical topics with memorable visual elements. When Andrew Berg, Saud Siddiqui, and Brian Lemieux began showing off their doodles in their attempt to learn microbiology at UC Irvine School of Medicine, they never imagined those drawings turning into the beginning of an innovative and effective medical education company. Now, we learn that medical education has its own representatives. The classic image our society has of entrepreneurs are college kids tinkering away in their dorm rooms.

Sketchy micro notes