Newsboys in christ alone lyrics free#
He is a gift in that the Father has offered the Son and his salvation free of charge.

Jesus, as God in the flesh, truly is to be called a “gift of love and righteousness”. How can the fullness of Almighty God dwell in the helpless form of an infant baby? It is a mystery no one can truly grasp.

Jesus, who is fully God, became a man through the virgin birth of his mother Mary. These are just a few profound truths that display who God is and what he cares about. God’s love is so intense that he was willing to suffer at the hands of his own creation in order to save them.God is not distant and removed but intimately acquainted with sinful man.God is willing to humble himself and experience life on broken earth.God comes to us instead of us going to him.In fact, it really shows the nature of God. Jesus is God in the flesh, a truth that is more than a technicality. What powerful words fill these lyrics! The reality of Christ’s incarnation is one the many facets of the Christian faith that sets it apart from other world religions. In Christ alone, who took on flesh / fullness of God in helpless babe / this gift of love and righteousness / scorned by the ones he came to save
Newsboys in christ alone lyrics full#
In Christ Alone – Newsboys (see full lyrics here) Lyrical Theology: In Christ Alone (Part 4)